
Torah for Gentiles? What the Jewish Authors of the Didache Had to Say, Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2021
Derech Yeshua: The Way of Salvation, Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2020.
Siddur Sar Shalom, Britain’s first prayer book for Messianic Jews. London: Beit Sar Shalom, 2011.
Introducing Your Jewish Friend to Yeshua, with Mark Surey. London: Chosen People, 2011.
The History of Jewish Believers in the Canadian Protestant Church, 1759-1995 (Master’s Thesis), Vancouver: Regent College, 1996.
Occasional Papers
Nascent Messianic Judaism and its ‘Kiruv’, LCJE, Dallas (2016).
The Coming Kingdom and the Day of the Lord in Joel 2, Journal of Messianic Jewish Studies, Vol. 1, Iss. 1. (2015).
The Christology of Nascent Messianic Judaism, European Messianic Jewish Theological Symposium: London, 2014.
What Jesus Wanted the Gentiles to Know, Beni Avraham Bicentennial Symposium: London, 2014.
Communicating the Deity of Yeshua to the Jewish People, The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II, The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God. Clarksville, Md.: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012. 103-121.
A Biblical Basis for Jewish Identity, Jewish Identity Symposium, Chosen People: Orlando, 2012.
The Hebrew Christian Shoah and its Soteriological Legacy, Paper presented to the European Messianic Theological Symposium, February 2011.
The European Re-birth of Anti-Semitism and Its Effect on Jewish Evangelism, Mishkan issue 62, 2010.
A Survey of the Messianic Congregational Movement, Paper presented to the LCJE CEO consultation, May 2009.
The “Map” of “Mapping Messianic Jewish Theology, Mishkan issue 57, 2008.
Jewish Missions in Canada – A History, LCJE Bulletin issue 76, May 2004.
Reflections on LCJE Lake Balaton 2007, LCJE Bulletin issue 89 (Sept. 2007).
The History of Jewish Missions in Canada, Paper presented to the LCJE North American Consultation, Toronto, 27 April, 2004.